| 1. | As the frequent fliers amongst you can probably tell 你们中经常坐飞机的可能都会说 |
| 2. | As the frequent fliers amongst you can probably tell . . 你们中经常坐飞机的可能都会说. . |
| 3. | All frequent fliers feel the same way you do , viktor 所有经常飞来飞去的人都和你有同样的感觉,维克多 |
| 4. | Frequent fliers who travel at least once per week in selected markets can participate at no charge in the tests 在测试时那些每周在选定地区最少飞行一次的常旅客可以免费参与。 |
| 5. | The government will soon learn whether frequent fliers embrace avoiding extra security checks at airports by doing advance background checks 联邦政府通过高级背景检查项目,很快就会知道常旅客是否喜欢额外的安全检查。 |
| 6. | Complete information on a specific member , which includes travel preferences , addresses , frequent flier numbers , credit card information , etc 以号码编排包括旅游喜好、旅客地址、飞行常客帐号、信用卡号码等完整资料。 |
| 7. | Niersbach said germany was putting the final touches to preparations at the 12 venues and everything was on schedule . organising committee president franz beckenbauer has flown to 29 of the 31 countries who qualified for the finals to congratulate them . " the tour is not to collect frequent flier miles , " said niersbach 此外,作为一种友好的姿态,德国世界杯组委会主席贝肯鲍尔目前已经访问了31个获得德国世界杯参赛资格球队所在国家中的29个,并计划在3月份对剩下的两个国家,即塞尔维亚和澳大利亚进行访问。 |